Steve M. Lieberman, MPhil, MA

Nonresident Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
President, Lieberman Consulting Inc.

Steve M. Lieberman, MPhil, MA's Bio

Steve Lieberman is a Nonresident Senior Scholar at the USC Schaeffer Institute, a Non-Resident Fellow in Economic Studies at the Brookings Institution, and President of Lieberman Consulting, Inc. Lieberman previously served as the Executive Associate Director and Assistant Director at the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), where he led the staff working on the Medicare Modernization Act. As a Senior Advisor to CMS Administrator Mark McClellan, he helped lead implementation of Part D. Previously, he was Chief of the Health Financing Branch and Assistant Director at the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB). In addition, he has served as: deputy executive director for policy at the National Governors Association; Vice President for Medicare, Medicaid, and commercial marketing at a publicly traded HMO; one of three direct reports to the Vice Chancellor of a major academic health center; a founding partner at a venture capital funded health services company; and, a Board Member at several health care companies. He has a B.A. and M.Phil. from Yale University, an MA from the University of California, Berkeley, and regularly publishes health policy analyses in Health Affairs and at Brookings.

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