Paul Ginsburg, PhD

Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Professor, Practice of Health Policy and Management, USC Price School of Public Policy

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Paul Ginsburg, PhD's Bio

Paul Ginsburg is a Senior Scholar at the USC Schaeffer Institute. He is also a professor of health policy at the USC Price School of Public Policy.

From 1995 through 2013, he served as president of the Center for Studying Health System Change (HSC), an organization he founded. Initiated with core support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, HSC conducted research to inform policymakers and other audiences about changes in organization, financing and delivery of care, and their effects on people. HSC was widely known for the objectivity and technical quality of its research and its success in communicating it to policymakers, industry and the media as well as to the research community. It enjoyed particular respect for its knowledge of developments in communities and healthcare markets.

Prior to founding HSC, Ginsburg served as founding executive director of the predecessor to the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC). Widely regarded as highly influential, MedPAC developed the Medicare physician payment reform enacted by Congress in 1989. In 2016, Ginsburg was appointed a MedPAC commissioner. He was a senior economist at RAND and served as deputy assistant director at the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). Before that, he served on the faculties of Duke and Michigan State universities. He earned his doctorate in economics from Harvard University.

Ginsburg is a noted speaker and consultant on the changes in the financing and delivery of healthcare, particularly on the evolution of healthcare markets. In addition to presentations on the overall direction of change, recent topics have included cost trends and drivers, consumer driven healthcare, provider payment reform, price transparency, the future of employer-based health insurance, addressing growing provider leverage and competition in healthcare. As a senior adviser to the Bipartisan Policy Center, he has contributed to reports on reducing federal spending on healthcare (2010), on a strategy to contain healthcare costs (2013) and on approaches to provider payment reform in Medicare (2014-2015). He has been named to Modern Healthcare’s “100 Most Influential Persons in Health Care” eight times. He received the first annual HSR Impact Award from AcademyHealth. He is a founding member of the National Academy of Social Insurance, a public trustee of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, served two elected terms on the Board of AcademyHealth, served on CBO’s Panel of Health Advisors and serves on Health Affairs’ editorial board. In 2015, he was appointed to Health and Human Services' National Advisory Council for Health Care Research and Quality.

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