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Relationships between Alcohol and Cannabis Policies in U.S. States, 1999-2019
Comprehensive state-level alcohol and cannabis policy indices and explored relationships between alcohol and cannabis.
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Changes in Cannabis-Attributable Hospitalizations Following Nonmedical Cannabis Legalization in Canada
Rates of cannabis-related hospitalizations declined immediately after legalization during a period of legal market immaturity and later increased during a period of legal market expansion and the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Response to Congressional Request for Information about Regulating CannabidiolÂ
Schaeffer experts submitted a comment letter responding to a recent request for information (RFI) related to cannabidiol.
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Regular Cannabis Use During the First Year of the Pandemic: Studying Trajectories Rather Than Prevalence
This study estimated the nature and sociodemographic correlates of U.S. adult subpopulations regularly using cannabis by examining weekly trajectories of use during the first year of the pandemic.
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California’s Marijuana Market is Crumbling
The nation’s largest state should rescue its disintegrating cannabis market by raising the cost to illicit producers and sellers, not by violating federal law.
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The FDA is the Right Agency to Regulate CBD Products, but It Needs Help
Undefined and unregulated, CBD will continue to pose unnecessary risks and never reach its potential as a legitimate health supplement.
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Small Cannabis Producers Have Bigger Problems than State Taxes and Regulation
Removing regulations and taxes on cannabis sales would take away resources that are needed to address legitimate public health concerns and won’t solve the supply-side problem.
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Avoiding Cannabis Chaos: Better Policies and Strategies for a Legal Market
On February 2, join our expert panel as they debate how to better regulate the cannabis market so that consumers are protected and the industry operates on the up-and-up.
The Cannabis Policy Scale: A New Research and Surveillance Tool for U.S. States
USC researchers developed composite measures to characterize the restrictiveness of U.S. state cannabis policy environments.
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Patient Preference for Medical Cannabis Products in the Absence of Clinical Guidelines
New analysis of New York data finds considerable variability in patient product choice, even for patients with the same condition.
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