Jevay Grooms, PhD
Nonresident Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute2023 – 2024 USC AD/ADRD RCMAR Scientist, USC Schaeffer Center
Co-Director, ATRIL
Associate Professor of Economics and Co-Director, Center for an Equitable Economy and Sustainable Society, Howard University
Jevay Grooms, PhD's Bio
Dr. Jevay Grooms is an Associate Professor in the Economics Department and Co-Director of the Center for an Equitable Economy and Sustainable Society. She is an applied microeconomist with research areas at the intersection of public economics, health economics, and studies of poverty and inequality. Her overarching research agenda is to study the impediments to adequate health care delivery and health outcomes of underserved and vulnerable populations with the keen intent to understand how poverty and the legacy of wealth inequality have contributed to health disparities among racial and ethnic minorities.
While simultaneously advancing her research agenda, Grooms have been committed to mentoring students and promoting and nurturing diversity in the economics profession. In addition to her roles at Howard University, Grooms is a Faculty Research Fellow and the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), the Co-Director of the Alzheimer's Trial Recruitment Innovation Lab (ATRIL) and Co-Director of Training at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Retirement & Disability Research Center (UW-RDRC). Grooms is also a Board Member of the National Economic Association (NEA), FAIR Health Academic Advisory and on the Executive Committee of the Societal Experts Action Network (SEAN), National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, and on the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) Data Monitoring Committee (DMC).
Grooms received her Bachelors of Science in Economics and Political Science from Loyola Marymount University in California and her doctorate in Economics from the University of Florida.
RCMAR Pilot Project Title: "Informational gaps and disparities in prescribing among patients with cognitive decline”